Seven new welfare increases are due to take effect next year, with "many" of them being implemented from January according to Minister for Social Protection Heather Humphreys

This month saw multiple different cost of living payments being rolled out, including a €400 Fuel Allowance payment, a €500 Working Family Payment, a €500 lump sum for recipients of the Disability Allowance, and a €500 Carers Support Grant.
The week starting December 5, the Christmas Bonus social welfare payment will be paid out. The Christmas bonus is 100% of your normal weekly social welfare payment - so for example if your normal long-term social welfare is €200 per week, the Christmas Bonus will be an additional €200 for a total weekly payment of €400.
Several more welfare increases are due to take effect next year, with "many" of them being implemented from January according to Minister for Social Protection Heather Humphreys.
These include:
€12 increase in the maximum rate of all core weekly welfare payments
Working Family Payment threshold to increase by €40 per week for all family sizes
An increase of €20.50 in the monthly rate of Domiciliary Care Allowance, bringing the payment to €330 per month. (This is the first increase since 2009 for parents or guardians who look after a child with a severe disability.)
€2 increase in payments in respect of children of social welfare recipients, bringing the payment to €42 per week for children under 12 and €50 per week for children aged 12 and over
Farm Assist, Jobseeker’s Allowance, and State Non-Contributory Pension – a doubling in the amount of income that can be derived from agri-environmental schemes (e.g., Glas, ACRES) and counted in assessing means. As a result of this measure, €5,000 can be disregarded from January
Extended eligibility for participation on Community Employment Schemes to spouses, civil partners or cohabitants of Jobseeker’s Allowance recipients
Increase in earnings attracting the lower Employer PRSI rate in line with increase in the national minimum wage which should encourage employment especially in the service sector
The next €200 credit will be also paid into the electricity accounts of every household in January.